Undoubtedly, the portal is one of the essential elements of a building since it is exposed to the street and the people who pass through that place, being the first room the visitor sees.
The portal, as it is a common area to which all kinds of people have access, both residents and guests, requires a thorough cleaning, even more so in the current pandemic situation. In this post, we will tell you how we do it.
Without a doubt, cleaning the portal of a community is a task that must be carried out conscientiously and frequently since it is necessary for perfect coexistence and health.
When we talk about a portal, we also talk about stairs, elevators, entrances, garbage rooms, mailboxes, floors, glass, and plants.
Depending on the surface of the portal, its characteristics, and the available materials, some techniques and products will be used or others to carry out an optimal cleaning.
Outer door
The cleaning of the exterior door must be exceptional since this is the element of the portal that is in contact with the street.
For this, it is essential to clean the dust and stains with a cloth or paper suitable for this task. You also have to consider the material with which the door is made. If it is made of wood, it will need a specific product to make it shiny; on the other hand, if it is painted, a product that does not damage the paint should be used.
In addition, the friction of the door must be taken care of periodically to avoid significant problems.
Stairs, elevator knobs, and buttons
As we have mentioned above, due to the pandemic we find ourselves in, the care and disinfection of these portal elements are critical since they are areas many people frequently touch throughout the day.
The floors are one of the most damaged elements of the portal.
It would help if you cleaned them, considering the different materials to adapt to them. Wood deteriorates quickly over time, so it needs specific cleaning; on the other hand, tiles or granite are easier to clean since they are better preserved, although this does not mean they should be neglected.
garbage rooms
The garbage room is one of the portal areas that requires a complete cleaning, as well as the elevators or the landings.
In these areas, many bacteria accumulate, and it is necessary to disinfect using specific products.
crystals and plants
Crystals, found on doors, mirrors, and windows, are one of the materials on which dirt is most often reflected.
To carry out an adequate cleaning of these, it is necessary to use unique products for this type of material.
Plants also need to be cared for. , Watering them and cleaning them of dust is essential, so they always look shiny.
If you liked this post, click here and discover why cleaning our home can help you prevent diseases.
If you are interested in a complete cleaning service for your community of neighbors or a company, contact us and ask for your budget without commitment.