Tag: construction
How to Choose the Best Roofing Contractor
Whеn іt comes tо defending аgаіnѕt elements lіkе sleet, rаіn and wіnd, уоur rооf is аn еѕѕеntіаl раrt оf аnу hоmе or buіldіng. Thе hоuѕе…
Business background and experience
Over 40 years, has established itself as a company promoting real estate ventures in the country’s interior. The quality, infrastructure design, and added value of…
forty years building country
In Ancient Greece, houses represented more than a building; they symbolized the family, economic support, farming and livestock activities, and even the relationship with nature….
Gabriel Diaz President of Asooccident
The civil engineer, Gabriel Díaz, has been chosen as the new President of the Association of Industrialists and Residents of the West of the Sabana…